Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New York Water Ranger Super Heroes

Do you care about New York's water? Then take the Water Rangers pledge!
I pledge to protect this body of water, to protect rivers, lakes, and streams, to protect my town's and New York State’s drinking water from dirty gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”
I pledge to protect this body of water from the hundreds of toxic chemicals used in fracking fluids.
I pledge to protect the precious resources that provide millions of New Yorkers with their drinking water.
I pledge to protect my family from the dangers of dirty gas drilling.
As a New York Water RangerI’m prepared to share my concerns with state leaders and to tell my friends and neighbors about the dangers of dirty gas drilling.
Because everybody is a body of water, we must protect our health, water, and communities before we allow gas development in New York State.
Benefits of joining the New York Water Rangers include opportunities to get free Water Rangers gear, updates from the team at Clean Water Not Dirty Drilling, and the satisfaction of knowing you're not standing on the sidelines while your drinking water is at risk.

Join the New York Water Rangers today!

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